What do you SEE in your reality?

Take a look around at your life, what do you see? Do you like what you see or are you disappointed? Do you like some things but are frustrated about other things? When you take a look at your reality you will see what you have been asking the Universe for. Every time you have a thought that has an emotion attached to it you are doing the first step in making the Law of Attraction work. You are asking. Of course the Universe ALWAYS answers. With the Law of Attraction you attract your reality through your thoughts and emotions. So if you don’t like what you see, you need to change what your are thinking and feeling on a daily basis.

Like attracts like!! So if you see negative things in your reality, you have asked for them. Stop thinking and feeling those negative thoughts!!! This seems like it may be a hard task but with a little bit of practice and dedication you can change your reality to show positive wanted things. Every time you realize you are having a negative thought and feeling stop, take a deep breath and change your thought to a better feeling thought. A better thought should be easy enough to find but if you are having trouble with finding a good thought simply breath.

Taking deep breaths and feeling the life force within those breathes, you relax the mind and this allows a positive feeling to over come you. Try it, this can be fun! This is a small sample of meditation. If you learn to meditate on a daily basis you will see that you don’t really have much to complain about in life. This can seem like a crazy idea but what will it hurt if you just try? Find that feel good feeling and stay in it as much as possible.

Your heart will lead the way……..FOLLOW IT!!!!

12 responses to “What do you SEE in your reality?

  1. The timing and accuracy of this is amazing!
    I’ve been asking questions of late and then I found your blog! I’m starting to believe 🙂

  2. Pingback: Controlling Emotional Attachment » Robert JR Graham·

  3. Pingback: Feel the Love and attract the kind of life you want.Sagittarian Sun, Inc. * Readings * Parties * Classes·

  4. Hi trehansaction,
    Sorry it has taken me so long to answer your posts but for some reason I never saw it. Strange!? Anyways, I have so many examples of how using positive thoughts and emotions to create in my life. I will give you a short list of some of the major wonderful things I have created for myself.
    1. True Spirituality and a new belief system
    2. A husband that treats me like a queen and truly loves me for me (after some seriously destructive relationships in my past this is MAJOR for me)
    3. A healthy and happy family (we have three beautiful daughters)
    4. I am my own boss
    5. I own my house
    6. I just got the truck of my dreams only a month ago
    7. I no longer have negative people around me (yes I did loose some friends along the way but it was for the best)
    8. An entirely different lifestyle then I have ever lived before

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